

A Estante de Livros - Parte 2 / The Book Shelf - Part 2

Então, essa é a nossa nova Estante de Livros... / So, this is our new Book Shelf...

Quer ver nossos livros em detalhes? / Do you wanna see our book in details?
Veja aqui: / Check this:


Até a próxima! / See ya!



A Estante de Livros - Parte 1 / The Book Shelf - Part 1

Nós compramos uma Estante de Livros nova para a casa... / We have bought a new Book Shelf for home...



National Great Falls Park

"Tourism", "sightseeing" time...
Yeah... She wanted to go here so... there we were...
This is the National Park at Great Falls. Hold on! Great Falls is the name of the city. I want to leave this clear before you says that the water falls are not that "great". Whatever, the Great Falls city has some "great" waterfalls and that why it has this name.
You better check yourself and and get your own opinion.
Here are the photos:

National Great Falls Park PHOTOS


See you all soon!

PS: Come on leave your comments here, PLEASE!

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