

Atlanta Braves VS Philadelphia Phillies

Baseball game!

I finally get to a baseball game, after more than 1 year being here in the home of the Atlanta Braves. It seems that baseball is the strongest sport of Atlanta, I mean the Atlanta baseball team is better than the football, basketball teams.
Nice time, nice game, nice experience.
The people had already been to it before, but I was not them, and the impression I got from them, it was supposed to be some kind of boring, but I did not think so.
Actually, as it lasted less than the football game (football about 5 hours and baseball about 4 hours) and we were not "baking at the sun", it seemed less "stressing" than the football, but I think football is nicer.
Now, let's wait for the basketball and hockey.
Here is the full album:


See ya.

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the book is on the table
the book is on the table
the book is on the table
the book is on the table
the book is on the table
the book is on the table
the book is on the table
the book is on the table
the book is on the table
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